I'm home safe and sound after a very long trip with the road loaded with caravans and trucks and slow drivers!
...two views on Mont Ventoux...

My trip to Provence was very quick....only a short few days, but precious quand même! since I didn't make any postings directly from Provence (things always work out different than we plan), I will catch up from here with sketches, writings and photos.
...morning croissants and painting...

For now...Thank you to you three "Juliettes" I left behind there at the foot of Mon Ventoux, for a wonderful week in your company, I had a great time, in spite of forgetting half my art stuff here at home.I will truly treasure these few days just as much as I will treasure these new friendships which now take on a color different than the "virtual" ones they were. Keep well and continue having fun...clink those wine glasses tonight and remember a glass for me ...
...the blue shutters of Couguieux...
pen and watercolor wash on watercolor paper
pen and watercolor wash on watercolor paper
hey Ron... missing you!! Lovely photos and great sketches, keep them flowing bird.
Love the blue shutters and wash on the walls of Cougieux, Ronelle.
Oh! That went by too quickly! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. Very nice watercolor sketch.
We're missing you like mad, Ronell.
Hi Ronelle
Bly jy is veilig tuis en dat jy n heerlike tydjie gehad het! Jou waterverf skildery met die lig blou shutters is regtig pragtig!
More please!
Lovely shutters! And those croissants look like heaven on a plate!
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