Monday, 18 June 2012

A Year On

It is a year since we were all painting in Provence. It never fails to amaze me what can happen in just a year. The most dramatic thing must be that the beautiful house that we all enjoyed, Ruth and Juliens home, burnt down in November. Happily now it is habitable again. I am now a grandmother, little Poppy is just 6 months, I think she disapproves of me already!! I have, in the last year begun to sell my work in volumes that mean I can count it as my main source of income. I am still illustrating but only lovely commissions for "real" books, one in particular that is still secret, is very exciting. I am working more for the gallery that I sell my work through, in fact I have a title development manager! We are doing more art fairs, all across Britain. In fact life is very buisy and exciting. But I would love to be waking up in Provence, with nothing to do but paint, breathe in the lavender scented air and think about what we would have for supper. So come on, the rest of you, what has happened to you in a year?